The Pressure of a Name

This is my opportunity to babble and vent a little bit about things that interest, amuse, and/or annoy me.

Location: United States

I just finished my Ph.D. Now what do I do?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Naming One's Blog

So, I was reading my friend Ginny's new blog and decided to post a comment. Being a reasonably intelligent person (and having precisely 2.5 minutes to spare), I scrolled to the bottom of the page and clicked on "Post a Comment." Since I have a couple of other friends who now have blogs on the same site (and who knows, I might get the urge to comment on one of them again!) I thought I would go ahead and sign up/log in/create a username or whatever they call it now so that I didn't have to post anonymously anymore. (I think it's just good form to sign one's name to what you say!) I follow the directions to create my account so that I can publicly comment on Ginny's rockin' job as a 4th grade teacher. All fine and good so far. After several failed attempts, I finally come up with a username that is not taken (Can we talk later about how many Meredith's there must be on this site? And how they have already taken every variation of my name and initials as their own usernames leaving me with nothing remotely memorable?) and I fill that whole page out. Keep in mind that during this whole experience, I'm hoping it will be done in less than 12-17 seconds so that I can quickly post my comment and make it to class on time. It does not look good for the TA for a class to be late to class, especially when the professor is innately hostile. But I digress.

You might guess that in my hurry to create a not-too-common yet not unforgettable username that I did not look at the top of the page where there is clear indication that this is not simply setting up a commenting account. Instead, I am now asked to create a name for my own blog. My own blog? Huh? Well, I've thought about starting a blog before (as so many people I know now do it and I sure as hell don't want to be left out), but what in the world will I call it? And how will I come up with a name in the remaining 3 seconds I have alotted for this activity? Now, I rival Lorelai Gilmore in some of my innane pop culture references these days so as I am sitting with my head in my hands, realizing that I will never be able to create a blog in time to comment on Ginny's students' problems with the restroom *and* get to class on time, I hear in my head a scene from Pretty Woman. Picture it ("Siciliy: 1923")--Kit and Julia Roberts sitting at a picnic-type table outside at the hotel where Julia has been living in comfort with a younger and pre-greying Richard Gere. Julia asks Kit to tell her the name of one real person who met Prince Charming, goes from rags to riches, and lived happily ever after in the lap of luxury. Kit leans back, head in hands (not unlike me at the moment) and says something to the effect of "You want a name? Oh, the pressure of a name." And with that, my blog is born. :) This is not to say that I will not bore of the name within 3-5 days, but at least for the moment, I now have both a username for comments and my very own blog! If only I could actually remember now what I wanted to say in Ginny's blog comments....


Blogger Pigs said...

All that and no posts for me? I'll be waiting...

7:34 PM  

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