The Pressure of a Name

This is my opportunity to babble and vent a little bit about things that interest, amuse, and/or annoy me.

Location: United States

I just finished my Ph.D. Now what do I do?

Monday, November 29, 2004

How do I love The West Wing

Let me count the ways. :)

I don't watch a ton of tv, but The West Wing is one of the few shows that I do really like. (The others are Alias, sometimes 24, and now, Desperate Housewives). And I am the first to tell you that last season The West Wing pretty much blew. But still, I watch. Especially reruns.

And Bravo is the greatest network ever. They play TWW like 5 times a day! And it's usually the first 3 seasons or so that they keep repeating which are the best ones. There are days that I wish Aaron Sorkin could script our actual White House. I don't always agree with the politics on West Wing, but at least I have faith that the characters are sincere in their service to their country, and they really believe in what they do. That counts for a lot these days, I think. Here I am waxing poetic about characters on a tv show and how I wish they could actually run our country, but still. It gives me faith enough to hope that one day, something like it could be real. It's a great show, by the way. You should watch it if you haven't. But I recommend that you start with the reruns.

Added as an addendum about 10 minutes later: Ok, I lied about the only really watching 3-4 shows. I also love Inside the Actor's Studio on Bravo. It's my favorite Sunday morning show. I sit on my cushy new-ish arm chair with a cup of stong coffee and wear my slippers and fuzzy flannel pajamas. It's fantastic. Maybe someday I'll write a whole little post about Bravo, and how it rocks.


Blogger jackie said...

funny--i was just thinking about writing a post about how bravo was great, but how it sucked that you can't get it here in raleigh. we are still on the tail end of the bible belt here, and the cable folks won't allow bravo because it has *gasp* gay men on it!!! makes me ill. i want bravo too. :(

8:44 AM  
Blogger Meredith said...

My cable company changed about a week ago and now I only get Bravo for half the day. I don't know what station is on the channel for the rest of the day, but i'm giving serious thought to upgrade my cable package just so that I get Bravo all day long. Especially on the weekends. What a loser I am. :)

11:09 AM  
Blogger Pigs said...

You're not a loser! You only watch like 5 TV shows! I, on the other hand, am shamefully addicted to many more. I cannot disclose exactly how many as this is a public forum, but we will just say many. And TiVo has not made that any easier.

7:05 PM  

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