The Pressure of a Name

This is my opportunity to babble and vent a little bit about things that interest, amuse, and/or annoy me.

Location: United States

I just finished my Ph.D. Now what do I do?

Monday, January 24, 2005


Two big things happened today. Well, one awesome thing happened to someone I know and then one basically bizarre thing happened to me. I guess combined they make "big" things in my mind for the day. Anyway, a friend of mine got a job today. He's graduating this spring with his PhD in Astrophysics and this morning was offered a (rather prestigious) fellowship from the National Science Foundation. These things are pretty hard to come by, and it funds him as a post-doc for 3 years. I'm so happy for him! It's fantastic. Way to go Matt!! :)

The weird thing that happened to me was that the glass door on my little entertainment center basically exploded. I opened it and allowed it to swing back to its full open position where it simply shattered, sending a nice even spray of glass shards about 10 feet across the room. It was impressive, and kind of pissed me off at first. It wasn't like I slammed the door open or anything! I'm guessing that it must have had a crack or been otherwise previously stressed in some way to cause the glass to fly apart with such ferocity. There's no reason it should have shattered quite so vigorously simply becasue of how I opened it. About halfway through the hour it took me to confidently feel like I had cleaned the glass pieces out the carpet, I realized it was also a little scary. I was sitting right in front it when the glass went flying--I could still be picking glass out of my eyes! Luckily, most of the glass headed in the direction that the door had opened, so it was away from me.

So that's about all that happened today. I worked, I celebrated with Matt, I broke my entertainment center door and will live in fear for weeks of stepping on glass in my carpet with my bare feet.


Blogger Eddie said...

Congrats to Matt! I know a postdoc for the NSF is pretty prestigious and hard to come by.

11:39 AM  

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