The Pressure of a Name

This is my opportunity to babble and vent a little bit about things that interest, amuse, and/or annoy me.

Location: United States

I just finished my Ph.D. Now what do I do?

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Day 2

I spent New Year's in New Orleans with some friends again this year. My friends, by the way, are totally fabulous. Someday I'll write a whole post (or series of posts!) on my friends, but for now suffice it to say that I am incredibly lucky to have so many great people in my life. But getting back to the trip. We did all kinds of crazy touristy things, including a paranormal field investigation and a cemetery tour. (Sadly we did not see any ghosts during our field investigation.) And of course there was evening frolicking on Bourbon St. But mainly, we ate our way through the city. Seriously. It was great, but still. We ate a lot. (I highly recommend Commander's Palace, The Palace Cafe, and NOLA if you ever get the chance!)

Therefore, today is the second day of my New Year's Resolution Diet. After a week at home with my family, 4 days in New Orleans, and about 6 months of not paying close enough attention to my eating habits it's time for me to diet again. As so many other people are doing, I will partaking of the South Beach Diet. Before you leap down my throat about jumping on the fad diet bandwagon, let me say this: after careful review and consideration of several diet programs, I chose to do this diet about 2 years ago and exercised conscientiously for a total of about 9 months. In that time I lost about 35 pounds (yay! go me!) and I felt great. Since then, of course, I've gained about 20 of it back because I got tired/busy/bored/insert-appropriate-excuse-here and didn't pay enough attention to what I was doing. So here I am again, back in the ballgame.

But damn if I'm not hating the thought of sugar-free jello for an afternoon snack when the memory of Cafe du Monde beignets or Brennan's bananas foster is still so near....


Blogger Pigs said...

That post made me hungry.

5:32 PM  

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