The Pressure of a Name

This is my opportunity to babble and vent a little bit about things that interest, amuse, and/or annoy me.

Location: United States

I just finished my Ph.D. Now what do I do?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

What does this mean?

I had a dream a few nights ago. I dreamt that my mother arranged a marriage for me. Apparently, the "me" in the dream was planning to change my mind and back out of the wedding at the last minute, but everyone around me convinced me that I had to do it, since I had a dress and all. (Clearly the me in my dream was a total pushover, because what kind of argument is that??) And may I say, while we're on the topic, the dress was awful. It was covered in strands of tiny beads and had some kind of shoulder ornamentation involving butterflies. We're talking really horrifyingly bad. But I digress.

So, I'm getting married. And another woman in my department here at school was evidently getting married at the same time so we decided to have a joint wedding. I don't remember much about her dress, probably because I was overwhelmed by her hair. She in real life has dark brown curly hair, roughly mid-back length. In the dream she covered her own hair with a red wig, sadly without bothering to tuck her own hair up into it. She just laid the red wig on top of her own hair. And that's how she walked down the aisle.

So I'm in the freakishly bad dress, waiting in the back of the church when my father comes up to me to walk me down the aisle. Mind you, I'm still having reservations about this whole arranged marriage thing. My father and I get halfway down the aisle when he sees someone he knows and starts talking to them. After a brief converstaion he turns back to me, saying that I can go the rest of the way on my own and sits down in the pew next to this person to chat. I walk the rest of the way to the alter only to find that my groom has decided not to show. I got stood up at my arranged marriage in my freaking dream!! To top it all off, the guy I was supposed to marry was Jess from The Gilmore Girls. Not the actor that plays him, but actual the character himself. I couldn't possibly tell you where that idea came from.

In the end, it's hard to say which part of this whole dream was the most appalling. The stand up? My father? The joint wedding? The whole arranged marriage itself? The god-awful dress? Regardless of what wins that competition (and frankly, it's kind of a toss-up), I have to wonder what in the world was going on in my subconscious. How did I ever come up with all that mess in my head?

Aside, completely unrelated: How can I go to Target to buy shower soap, and leave $75 later with teeth whitening strips, eye cream, tomato sauce, and egg whites, among other things? What is it about Target?


Blogger Pigs said...

Target is a conspiracy. And I think perhaps the worst part of the dream was the butterfly-over-the-shoulder ensemble. Sounds like you ate something horrid before going to bed. I bet you woke up and had to shake that one off!

4:24 PM  
Blogger Meredith said...

I was definitely fully freaked when I woke up. It would be great if I could never dream that again.

And I have to wonder if they spray something addictive into the air at Target. That might explain my purchases.

12:58 PM  

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