The Pressure of a Name

This is my opportunity to babble and vent a little bit about things that interest, amuse, and/or annoy me.

Location: United States

I just finished my Ph.D. Now what do I do?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Just Like Oprah

You know how Oprah does that list each year of her "favorite things"? Well, I am just like Oprah. (Except that she is wealthy and powerful, with her own television empire and a personal trainer. But other than that we are very similar.) I have favorite things, too.

(1) Pepperidge Farm Whims: these new crunchy clusters of tiny cookie pieces. They are divine. And they are likely to be my downfall, as I apparently can finish off a can of these in a weekend and there are supposed to be something like 7 servings in a can. That's absurd. But they are delish and addictive. Kind of like Pringles in that way.

(2) Christmas Cards: I love shopping for Christmas cards. I pick out 8 or 10 different boxes and usually sit down on the floor of Barnes and Noble or Hallmark or Target or wherever I am and examine each set carefully, weighing the card message against the possible recipients. I take the Christmas card decision very seriously. Finally, after some odd stares from passersby and quality debating with myself, I choose my cards. I go home, get set up in front of the fireplace with some wine and a movie in the DVD player and get to work. (Then, of course, I get done writing about 10 cards and get bored/tired with the prospect of writing some 30 more and usually take a break). But the purchasing of Christmas cards is one of my favorite holiday events.

(3) My gas fireplace: You have pretty fire and warmth with the flick of a switch. What could be better? Plus, it's like instant romance when necessary. :)

(4) An easy knitting pattern: I have discovered a very quick, yet rather pretty double cable scarf pattern. I am currently most of the way through my third one of these. These scarves will be featured heavily under the Christmas tree this year. But there's something very satisfying about a project you can complete quickly; it's almost instant creative gratification. (I use the word creative here rather loosely, as I am just following the directions from a pattern I bought: I didn't design anything here).

(5) Sudoku. It's completely addictive. I highly encourage you to give it a try.


Blogger Pigs said...

2. I'm right there with you on the Christmas cards, except I'm the one scavenging through the 75% off cards after Christmas.
5. Thanks a lot. I really needed a new addiction.

7:49 PM  

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