The Pressure of a Name

This is my opportunity to babble and vent a little bit about things that interest, amuse, and/or annoy me.

Location: United States

I just finished my Ph.D. Now what do I do?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

And Now I will Copy Too

Since Ginny copied Stephanie's geek list, I will now copy both of them. :) It really is quite therapeutic! This post's secondary title could be something to the effect of "Confessions of a Childhood-through-Early-Adulthood Geek." We can assume that I am no longer too geeky...though I am in astrophysics, so maybe that's a bad assumption.

1) I didn't take naps as a child and would pitch fits during nap time in pre-school. I wanted to read books and they wouldn't let me.

2) I got glasses in fifth grade. They were large with purple rims. I wore them attached to a rainbow colored string around my neck so that when I would take them off, they could lie at the ready across my chest for the next impaired-vision emergency.

3) I skipped the 4th grade in a small private school. There is no faster way to be hated by your peers. Unless you were fat and non-athletic, which I was too.

4) I actually started a Babysitter's Club with some other girls in my neighborhood. We did all the same things at our meetings that the girls did in the books. We didn't do much babysitting, though.

5) In middle school/early high school I loved loved loved New Kids on the Block. I even had a NKoTB t-shirt that I wore while at Space Camp. (No further comment needed there.)

6) I wore braces from 7th grade through 11th. To add insult to injury, I had to have 7 teeth removed prior to putting on the braces. So I looked a lot like a rabbit with braces since I had no bicuspids and only 1 cuspid and my shiny new braces.

7) I was jealous that my sister got a retainer. I wanted one too.

8) I built model rockets through middle school and high school. I thought that made me cool. I don't know which of those two sentences made me more of a geek.

I'm sure there's much more, but I've got to keep some secrets to myself. :)


Blogger Pigs said...

Bwaaah! I am cracking up all by myself. Your list is as good as mine. Except that I only wanted to start a Babysitter's Club and didn't have any friends who would do it with me. Love the string for the glasses. Why didn't I think of that? Also about skipping 4th made you the last one to get your license, remember? And you had to ride in my boat with the hood ornament. Hmmmm...should add that to my list.

4:13 PM  

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