The Pressure of a Name

This is my opportunity to babble and vent a little bit about things that interest, amuse, and/or annoy me.

Location: United States

I just finished my Ph.D. Now what do I do?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Backup Plans

The past few days have been examples of the periodic low points in my life as a grad student. One of those times when the only thought in my mind all day long is "Why in the world did I decide to do this again?" So, in an effort to combat my impending depression at wasting my life away in a field I currently hate, I have been compiling a list of backup plans. If I'm going to quit, I need to have a plan.

Now, some backup plans are unrealistic. Moving to LA to sleep on my friend Greg's apartment floor and becoming Jack Bauer's nemesis next season, for instance. The likelihood of me becoming a television and/or movie star is actually quite small. (Sitting around a coffee shop mocking said celebrities, however, is much more probable). And I'm really not much of a badass. It seems I would need some badass qualities to be on 24. I probably won't be able to become a technical advisor for Alias either, though their science does need some serious help sometimes.

A bunch of grad school friends and I do have a more realistic plan of moving to Mexico, where we'll open a combination pizza parlor/coffee shop/scuba diving school on the beach. I get to be the barista. I think I could handle days filled with making some coffee and drinking some fruity girly drinks. That sounds right up my alley right now. Get some sun, re-learn some Spanish.... all good. Plus, there are about 8 of us in on the deal, so I wouldn't have to do it alone, either! We could sit back watching the sun set over the water with our tasty beverages, some pizza, and think back on how awful graduate school was and how glad we are to have left.

My actual fallback plan has always been to move to New England and open a B&B. I could decorate the inn, I could bake cookies each day at 3:00, I could do morning wonders with eggs and make holiday-theme shaped pancakes. There would be pretty leaves in the fall, snow in the winter, and little to no astronomy taking place. At all. Very little paper writing. Hardly any use of the computer ever. No review papers to read, no classes to teach... the words "publish or perish" would never enter my vocabulary. It really sounds delightful. Quiet.

In the end, I'm not sure any of it is realistic. I guess reality isn't really what I'm aiming for right now, though.



Blogger Eddie said...

I understand your need for other plans. My backup plan has always been to move to Fiji and become a waitress. Is that really what grad school can do to a person? :D

7:38 AM  
Blogger jackie said...

all good backup plans, although i still think you should just come home. the mexico thing sounds pretty damned fine, however--if you choose that one, i will definitely come visit. how about a B&B in mexico next to a diving school? that is what my friend jorge is doing...

9:20 AM  
Blogger Pigs said...

That breakfast deal sounds pretty good...I'd go!

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good back up plans! I fear that all of this talk stems from the current stress of graduate school. Grad school, while now not very appealing, will be something to look back upon fondly. Trust me.

If you leave astronomy after grad school, there will always be a part of you that will long to return. The longing will be proportional to the amount of time spent away from it. "Publish or Perish" will actually sound somewhat attractive... Again, trust me on this.

Oh to return to grad school.

Oh to return to academia...

7:32 AM  

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